This animated series chronicles the adventures of Corn and Peg, a blue unicorn and a pink Pegasus who are inseparable best friends and schoolmates since preschool. Inspired by their favorite superhero...

7.70 363

Corneil is a brilliant canine who can read and write in perfect English, far surpassing most humans in intelligence. Aware that life as a spoiled pet is preferable, he does everything possible to keep...

6.60 382

The story follows a clueless leader and his seemingly worthless underlings as they comically navigate their way through saving the world. An otaku loser unexpectedly becomes the ruler of an empire, eq...


The story follows the clumsy apprentice witch Fûka as she accidentally breaks the seal of a dark witch who nearly brought about the world's destruction. ...


As a member of a sinister organization, the General is charged with invading Earth and eradicating humanity. Yet even an extraterrestrial like him needs a break. Not even the Rangers—a team focused ...


Mirai Kasuga is a young girl eager to pursue a dream that remains just out of reach. Shizuka Mogami is determined to enter the world of idols, while Tsubasa Ibuki is still coming to terms with the mea...

6.85 546

Based in Shinjuku, Ryo Saeba, a skilled "City Hunter" known for fulfilling various requests, teams up with his partner, Kaori Makimura, when a female video creator named Angie asks them to locate an e...


The people of the kingdom look down on the young Prince Bojji, who can neither hear nor speak. They call him "The Useless Prince" while jeering at his supposed foolishness....

8.50 7.27 534

After spending nearly a year obsessively playing the VRMMO World Fantasy Online, the reclusive yet well-off fifteen-year-old Yuna receives a bear costume from the game's administrators. Although the o...

6.80 7.25 509

A nameless sword awakens to find he has been reincarnated from his previous life as a human. Utilizing his telekinetic abilities, he navigates this new world and acquires various skills. While explori...

7.30 544

Hime Shiraki seems destined for success, boasting excellent grades, a pristine reputation, and a cute appearance. Her dream of becoming the adored trophy wife of a billionaire hinges on her ability to...

6.40 6.71 572

After a real-world accident, Asahi Ikusaba finds himself in a fantasy world, eager to enjoy his new surroundings. However, he soon discovers that his skills are incredibly weak. Just as a fierce monst...

7.30 6.01 600