A family of extraterrestrial beings relocates to the heart of middle America, prompting them to ponder whether life is more fulfilling in their newfound home or on their distant home planet. In the...

8.00 1060

Takuma is an office worker who is taken care of and coddled by his senior team member Shiori, who is a gorgeous, profoundly kind, loving, and diminutive woman. Takuma certainly hopes that she's not do...

6.70 6.67 438

A teenage mom who once ran away from home finds herself accidentally brought back to life in her family's funeral parlor. This unexpected event grants her a remarkable second opportunity to raise her ...

5.60 556

A young prodigious individual agrees to an unexpected proposition from an enigmatic woman who captures his heart when she rescues him from a near-fatal encounter. A young prodigy finds himself intr...

7.70 7.97 405

The narrative revolves around a group of Younglings embarking on exciting adventures and commencing their quests to attain the esteemed rank of Jedi Knights. It follows the journey of Younglings as...

5.80 553

Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original heroine, is a budding young baker at the enchanted Wonderland Bakery, she explores the kingdom on various culinary adventures with her best pals. ...

6.80 635

Hana leads a careless life marked by indifference towards studies, frequent school truancy, and involvement in gang skirmishes. But his mundane life gets an upheaval when Yohane and Luca from the bran...

7.00 6.75 795

Jinkies! This raucous reimagining of the Scooby-Doo franchise unravels the mysterious origins of Mystery, Inc. – as seen through the eyes of the gang’s beloved bespectacled detective Velma. ...

1.60 394