In *Cars*, a hotshot rookie race car named Lightning McQueen is on his way to compete in the biggest race of his life when he gets stranded in the rundown town of Radiator Springs. Initially focused s...

7.20 217

In *Cars 2*, Lightning McQueen is excited to participate in the World Grand Prix, an international racing event that promises thrilling competition. He’s joined by his best friend, Mater, who is eag...

6.20 260

In Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back, the story revolves around Mewtwo, a clone of the Legendary Pokémon Mew, created by Team Rocket using Mew's fossil. Initially intended to be a power...

7.41 7.65 428

In Cars cartoons, Mater often recounts tales from his past. These stories usually involve him getting into trouble. When McQueen doubts the truthfulness of these stories, Mater insists that McQueen wa...

6.80 217

In *That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime*, Rimuru Tempest and his companions journey to Raja, a small yet politically complex country to the west of Tempest. Here, they become entangled in a long-r...

7.48 7.64 330

In "Urusei Yatsura: The Invader Comes from the Space," the space princess Lupica arrives on Earth with a bold plan: she intends to abduct Ataru Moroboshi, not for his looks or personality, but for his...

6.14 6.76 355

In this whimsical tale, a not-so-brave knight named Sir Cowardly sets out on an unlikely quest for eternal fame and fortune. According to ancient legend, to achieve his dreams, he must first rescue a ...

6.20 273

In "Agent F.O.X.," the suave super spy finds himself in Carrot Town, a charming community populated by friendly rabbits. Tasked with a critical mission to locate a mysterious artifact rumored to be hi...

3.10 236

In "Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie," Sakura Kinomoto’s excitement is palpable as she wins a trip to Hong Kong during the Tomoeda Shopping District's year-end lottery. Accompanied by her loyal friends�...

7.55 7.63 222

The idols of 765 Production are determined to achieve their dreams. They have faced many challenges but remain committed to their goals. Now, they are focusing on strengthening their bonds and working...

7.51 7.61 272

In **Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna**, the Chosen Children face their toughest challenge yet as they grapple with betrayal and the impending threat of a total reboot of the Digital World. Fo...

7.45 7.61 216

In the afterlife, peace is disrupted when a janitor accidentally transforms into Janemba, a comically grotesque demon wreaking havoc across the realms. Gokuu Son, now a seasoned martial artist competi...

7.30 7.59 377