In this action-packed comedic series, we dive deep into the double life of the galaxy's most formidable bounty hunter. He's a master of his craft, with skills that are unmatched. However, he has a sec...

7.10 640

Set in the same universe as Medrano's prior work, "Hazbin Hotel", "Helluva Boss" revolves around the daily lives of the denizens of Hell. The series primarily focuses on Imp, a startup assassination b...

8.20 694

The surreal adventures of two best friends - a blue jay and a raccoon - as they seek to liven up their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local park....

8.50 482

When an old friend returns to the neighborhood, Zerocalcare wants to help him find his place back in the world. But what's the right thing to do?...

8.10 428

The show is set in the fictional African metropolis of Kimoja City, where the storyline primarily follows the adventures of three close friends: Kiya, Jay, and Motsie. Whenever a crisis arises in the ...

6.50 586

Petra "Petey" St. Barts, a posh New Yorker, has her life turned upside down when her mother breaks the news that she's inherited a tiny town named New Utopia from her late father. But this isn't any r...

5.90 509

Tween optimist Molly McGee lives to make the world a better place, fix what has gone wrong, and spread joy! Meanwhile, cantankerous ghost Scratch lives to make the world a worse place, break what has ...

7.50 630

In the neo-futuristic city of Lusaka, Zambia, four teenage girls find themselves recruited by a retired secret agent who remains dedicated to the cause of global salvation, even when working on a tigh...

8.30 630

Archaeologist Rip Digman faces constant peril as he and his team excavate legendary treasures in ancient ruins for the sake of preservation and their own legacies. ...

8.10 333

The series is set in 1992, in an alternate history in which the United States has become Eden, a dystopian technocracy controlled by the megacorporation of the same name. Dolph Laserhawk, a supersoldi...

7.20 612

"Dew Drop Diaries" follows a group of three-inch tall family fairies - or Dew Drops, as they're known in the fairy world - who live inside teensy fairy houses on brownstone balcony gardens in "The Big...


In the late 20th century, Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery guy in New York City, is accidentally cryogenically frozen and wakes up after a thousand years have passed. He secures a job at Planet Express...

8.50 719