Combining classic-style cartoon comedy with contemporary storytelling, the series follows two tiny wisecracking troublemakers trying to live the good life in a big city park while having giant-sized, ...

6.00 418

Set in a fantastical world where talking vehicles live, work and play with the humans who drive them, this animated comedy-adventure series follows a boy and his firetruck as they team up with their f...

5.60 456

The show is set in mythical ancient Greece and centers on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters trying to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other. ...

5.80 460

Ethan and Emily Tuttle are taken on adventures through time by their Grandma to learn about liberty and freedom. ...

8.20 471

It tells the story of four princesses from major fruit kingdoms: Kira Kiwi, Beatrice Blueberry, Rita Raspberry and Penelope Pineapple. They embrace their differences to help their fellow fruitizens an...

6.30 409

When a generations-long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it’s up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, along with his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their righ...

7.70 548

A young boy who aims to be a professional Beyblade player. He aims to get to X Tower, where professional Beyblade players gather....

8.30 6.70 950

Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up a human baby one day. Despite her confusion, Alyssa named the baby Viola and decided to raise her. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into...

6.70 6.41 498

Third-year high school student Jirou Yakuin is in love with his childhood friend and classmate, Shiori Sakurazaka. Thus, he hopes to be paired with her for the marriage practical: their school's pract...

7.40 7.57 323

Prince Fichael lives in a human colony on an alien world and vows to rid the planet of evil — but then learns his dad’s the biggest evildoer of them all. ...

5.60 239

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to the development of cutting-edge technologies that have rapidly evolved the world. As a result, schools have begun incorporating these technologies into thei...

7.10 7.46 303

With the Volunteer Service Club now firmly established, it is receiving more requests from students in search of solutions to their various issues. However, the club members often struggle to see eye ...

7.90 8.21 270