Emily Elizabeth Howard, a 12-year-old middle school student in New York City who lives with her English-accented mother, Maggie, is routinely teased at school by Florence, a popular girl, but she find...

6.30 405

The series explores Clifford's early days as a small red puppy, set two years before Clifford the Big Red Dog. It follows the adventures of Clifford and his owner, Emily Elizabeth, as they navigate th...

6.60 360

Set in the quirky town of Exclamation, USA, Clone High revolves around a high school secretly used for a military experiment by the enigmatic Secret Board of Shadowy Figures. The students are clones o...

8.20 341

Josh and Emily, a couple in their early 30s, live in a Los Angeles duplex with their young daughter, Candice. Their close friends, Alex and Bridgette, who are divorced, share the space as well. While ...

7.80 370

Set as a prequel to the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs films, the series follows Flint Lockwood and Sam Sparks during their high school years as best friends. Flint is determined to become a succes...

3.30 398

The world’s top soccer player, Erico Platana, is transformed into a soccer ball by a crazed magician. To regain his human form, Erico must learn to set aside his ego and collaborate with Daniel Siss...

6.40 387

Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island is set on a vibrant, fruit-themed island where the inhabitants enjoy a carefree tropical paradise. However, their peaceful existence is disrupted by Coconut Fred, a w...

2.50 386

Jeremy Belpois, an eighth-grade genius at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory nearby. When he activates it, he encounters Aelita, an artificially intelligent girl ...

7.30 319

Code Monkeys centers on the fictional video game company GameaVision, a parody of Activision and Intellivision, and its quirky employees, particularly the laid-back Dave and his high-strung friend Jer...

7.20 387

Codename: Kids Next Door follows five enthusiastic yet bumbling ten-year-olds as they unite to fight against the challenges of adulthood and advocate for the joys of childhood. These spirited kids tac...

7.20 406

The television program is based on a comic strip of the same name and features Joe Larsen, his wife Liz, their three children—Tracy, Zelda, and Nicholas—and their family dog, Bob. The show's humor...

7.70 342