The show centers on the arrogant seven-year-old Allen Gregory De Longpre (Jonah Hill), who is reared by his two fathers, Richard and Jeremy. Julie is Allen's adopted sister. Allen's family's financial...

4.20 385

The Banana Cabana is a tropical resort where the animation is set. The entire cabana's crew and guests are amusing animals who have had their fur removed and only wear underwear. Howie is the cabana's...

3.20 404

Charlie, a unicorn, is dozing off in a peaceful field when a blue and a pink unicorn wake him up. The two tell Charlie when he wakes up that they have discovered a map to the enchanted Candy Mountain ...

8.00 427

A Canadian island village called Chilly Beach has plenty of alcohol and few tourists. The bears regularly eat people, even Santa Claus, and hockey is a way of life....

5.90 370

The "Worst College in America," which is on the outskirts of the made-up town of China, Illinois, is where the series is set. The school's callous instructors and staff pride themselves on their unfav...

7.10 390

The show follows two little wisecracking troublemakers as they struggle to live the good life in a big metropolitan park while having giant-sized, sky-high adventures. It combines classic cartoon humo...

6.00 379

In Chip and Potato, young Chip the pug embarks on the exciting yet daunting journey of growing up. As she navigates the challenges of starting school and making new friends, her loyal companion, Potat...

6.50 384

In this vibrant continuation of the beloved Chip and Dale saga, the two iconic chipmunks reunite after decades apart, each having taken very different paths. Chip, now a successful yet unfulfilled ins...

7.60 392

In this whimsical series, young Chloe sparks her imagination by transforming her room into a magical world through dress-up adventures. Accompanied by her beloved dolls—Lovely Carrot, Wizz, and Sogg...

7.20 387

The show centers on a trio of kung fu-trained chickens who live and work in a sprawling city-sized mall owned by their nemesis, Dr. Wasabi. Each chicken brings unique skills to the team, using their m...

4.10 428

Chowder follows the whimsical adventures of its titular character, a cat-bear-rabbit hybrid who dreams of becoming a great chef. Working under the guidance of Chef Mung Daal at his catering business, ...

7.40 318

Chozen follows the journey of its titular character, a gay white rapper who has just been released from prison. Determined to reclaim his place as a leading figure in the rap scene, Chozen uses his un...

6.40 297