Chuck Bird follows the adventures of Chuck Adoodledoo, a lively bird with the extraordinary ability to transform into various forms using unique objects such as the Golden Egg and Nixogear. Each trans...


The Adventures of Chuck and U.D. follows 11-year-old Chuck McFarlane and his interstellar robot companion, U.D., as they navigate a series of fantastical adventures that hinge on choices Chuck must ma...

6.40 366

Chuggington is a charming animated series centered around six young anthropomorphic locomotives—Koko, Wilson, Brewster, Hoot, Toot, and Piper—collectively known as "Trainees." Set in the vibrant f...

5.90 292

In "CJ In The DJ," 13-year-old CJ, along with her friends Lesley and Si, embarks on a journey to become professional DJs. Despite their passion and talent, they face challenges in their small town, wh...

6.20 376

In the animated series, three alien robots named Rivet, Widgit, and Socket crash-land their spacecraft in an ordinary garden tree on Earth. When human twins Robin and Daisy Harrison discover the wreck...

4.80 372

Clarence follows the adventurous and optimistic 10-year-old Clarence Wendle as he navigates life in the fictional town of Aberdale, Arizona. With his two best friends—Jeff, the thoughtful and intell...

6.80 282

An animated series about a recent graduate of an Atlanta performing arts school who decides to give up an exciting singing career to become a music educator....

6.50 411

In this epic adventure, the alignment of the planets on New Year's Eve unleashes the formidable time titan Cronus from his millennia-long imprisonment in Tartarus. The ancient prophecy foretells that ...

7.10 385

In this whimsical series set in a magical clay town, a group of kids who stumble upon each other find themselves in a world full of absurd adventures. Each episode presents a unique challenge that the...

8.00 336

In Cleopatra in Space, Cleopatra finds herself unexpectedly thrust 30,000 years into the future, landing on a planet reminiscent of ancient Egypt but populated by talking cats. As she navigates the ch...

6.70 379