This adult-oriented CGI animated parody of "Star Wars" features Captain Chode, a purple octopus alien with a penchant for pornography. His nemesis, Darph Bobo, is a spoof of Darth Vader. The cast incl...
6.60 7.70 116The narrative centers on Gon Freecss, a little child who was raised believing that both of his parents had passed away. Gon, however, leaves his home on Whale Island to take the Hunter Examination in ...
8.40 8.26 487Zwei was an ordinary person, until one day, while walking the streets a night, he witnessed a brutal assassination. He managed to avoid the sniper, a young girl named Ein, but was soon captured, and h...
6.10 6.49 399Never has Yugo the Negotiator lost a case. No matter what, he has committed to finish each mission he starts. One day, a woman came to him and begged him to free her father from captivity by a rebel o...
6.70 7.08 551Koyomi Araragi discovers that his friend and rescuer, Tsubasa Hanekawa, has been acting strangely since escaping a vampire attack. On his way to a bookshop, he comes to meet paths with her, and when h...
4.85 502The quiet character designer Tsukiko Sagi, who made the wildly successful pink dog Maromi, is under pressure to duplicate her success. One evening as she makes her way home, an elementary school boy o...
8.00 7.67 530The villainous Pierrot (Saban: Emperor Nogo), who wants to make sure that the world has an unpleasant ending, attacks the kingdom of Märchenland, where many characters from fairy tales reside. Howeve...
6.20 7.05 510Two girls, Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, are the main characters of Futari wa Pretty Cure. They meet Mipple and Mepple from the Garden of Light, who give them the ability to change into the emis...
6.80 7.05 505The popular Yutaka Hara children's books of the same name served as the inspiration for Kaiketsu Zorori, which recounts the exploits of a cunning fox named Zorori who aspires to rule mischief with his...
7.90 7.05 651The animated comedy series takes place in the Middle Ages and follows the adventures of Dave, a character who enjoys the finer things in life like origami, bird watching, and gourmet cooking. Along wi...
6.70 6.50 108Jing, the legendary King of Bandits, is imprisoned in Seventh Heaven, the most infamous prison complex in the entire globe, together with his bird sidekick Kir. There, they attempt to rob the prisoner...
7.00 7.26 478