While chasing the culprit Zoda, police detective Rick Wheeler was killed in an automobile accident. He spent 150 years in an artificial cold slumber. Jody Summer and Dr. Stewart revive Wheeler on beha...
7.00 6.47 545"Ocha-ken: Chokotto Monogatari" is a slice-of-life anime series that first aired in 2003. It's part of the "Ocha-ken" franchise which revolves around a group of tea puppies - characters that are a mix...
6.24 455The boy Pinon, who carries the blood of the three races—dragons, fairies, and humans—within his body, is actually Pietro, the Courageous One's son. An exciting voyage begins when Pinon has a chanc...
7.20 6.83 396An ancient legend claims that consuming mermaid flesh grants immortality. Yuta, unknowingly, ate a piece of mermaid flesh centuries ago, leading him on a quest to find a mermaid and reverse the curse....
7.30 6.77 142Trains will eventually no longer be restricted by their actual tracks. As an alternative, they fly through space on the Galaxy Railways, which carries people from planet to world. The Galaxy Railways,...
6.90 7.10 469Takayuki Narumi, a male high school student, serves as the story's main protagonist in Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. The first chapter acts as an introduction to the second chapter and takes place between July...
7.60 7.20 481During the Bakumatsu of the Edo period, when the Tokugawa shogunate's foundations were starting to tremble, a young author by the name of Momosuke set out to compile a collection of 100 ghost stories....
7.10 7.12 478In spite of his parents' objections, Kazuto Tokino decides on his own to run his grandfather's bathhouse in a world where aliens are widespread. Kazuto, however, lacks many of the abilities necessary ...
6.60 6.93 495The fictional nation of Amestris serves as the setting for Fullmetal Alchemist. Alchemy is one of the most widely used sciences in this universe; practitioners who work for the government are referred...
8.50 8.12 614