follows the exploits of the entire Rugrats crew. However, they are all adults today. The entire group has transformed, including Chuckie becoming a risk-taker and Angelica becoming friendlier. The gro...
5.40 358The plot centres around a young woman named Pacifica Casull, the sister of a set of twins born to the royal line of a kingdom called Leinwan, and takes place in what initially appears to be a fantasy ...
7.40 7.36 480In Kino's Journey, the main character, Kino, travels through a mystical world of several nations and woodlands, each with its own own culture and populace. Kino is followed by a talking motorcycle nam...
8.40 8.29 519In the country of Anatoray, fifteen-year-old sky couriers Claus Valca and Lavie Head fly their vanship as the focus of the narrative. Even though they typically accept relatively easy tasks, one day t...
7.90 7.80 463A friendship develops between Hermes, a talking motorcycle, and Kino, a 15-year-old tourist. Together, despite not knowing what to anticipate, they travel across the globe and explore a variety of nat...
8.40 8.29 547According to the storyline, Astro is a robotic boy with superhuman abilities and an AI system that is unmatched to any other robot. For the purpose of replacing his late son Tovio, his creator Dr. ...
6.90 7.00 607"Di Gi Charat Nyo" is a sequel to the original "Di Gi Charat" anime series. The series, like the original, is centered on the alien princess Dejiko (also known as Di Gi Charat) who came to Earth to pr...
7.00 7.07 522While most of the premise is covered by the anime adaptation, it notices modifications in the majority of the manga's story. These offer extra plotlines and characters that weren't in the original sto...
7.20 7.54 544One night, a kid jumps overboard a ship, and Lucia, the mermaid princess of the North Pacific (one of the seven mermaid kingdoms), gives him a miraculous pearl. To retrieve her pearl and defend the me...
7.10 7.13 504