The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...
6.79 475When Mitsuki learns that the highschool is going to destroy the old school building, she is saddened at the thought of so many memories being erased. Chitose and the rest of the moms spring into actio...
6.50 6.80 500Makimura Koutarou has made up his mind that he will proclaim his love to the distant Serizawa Kaho over the summer break. But the night before, he encounters a strange girl, and this meeting sends him...
5.60 6.47 505The first scene of Samurai Champloo takes place in a town where Fuu, a tea waitress, is assaulted by the son of the town's dishonest prefect. When the bandit Mugen enters the city, Fuu begs him for pr...
8.60 8.50 503This series consists of two distinct storylines with a few characters in common. In the opening tale, Omoide no Kanata e, Shogo and Neo are the main characters. One day Kanata, Shogo's ex-girlfriend, ...
6.16 479In the laboratory Vivi-Sec UK, a group of six animals are part of the fourth batch of Project S, an experiment designed to create talking animals. The animals are given a sophisticated lifestyle in...
6.40 7.10 102Although Mitsuki Ikuta, the show's producer, is the only one who is aware of this, Naoto Ooizumi is the author of the TV series CosPrayers. He has a thing for Natsumi Yagami, one of the actors on the ...
5.00 5.86 538The series is set in Baby Nick's house, where his babysitter takes care of him and his best friend, Baby Patrice, while his mom is away. The trio often finds themselves bored, leading them to watch an...
6.20 7.90 112Tristia is a port city. Tristia used to be thriving, contributing significantly to maritime trade, and it was so exquisite that it was hailed as "marine jewelry." But that was a very long time ago. ...
6.10 5.63 551Jeremy Belpois, an eighth-grade genius at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory nearby. When he activates it, he encounters Aelita, an artificially intelligent girl ...
7.30 313