Four strangers from around the world experience a series of apocalyptic visions and attempt to uncover their origin. The story of four strangers from "the quiet corners of the globe" is centered on...
7.60 301The series continues directly from where *Justice League* left off, featuring an expanded League that includes the original "founding members" alongside numerous other superheroes from the DC Universe...
6.50 6.40 174The Diclonius is a mutated homo sapiens that reportedly has two horns on its head, a "sixth sense" that grants it telekinetic abilities, and is supposed to have been chosen by God to be the end of man...
8.00 7.50 560One day, a Catholic student named Honey Kisaragi will be trendy and a class-skipper. The next thing she knows, devilish women from the nefarious Panther Claw group had murdered her father. Honey uses ...
7.30 7.10 517Universal Century 0079 is the current year. Oliver May is a technical officer in charge of evaluating new military technologies for the Zeon 603rd Technical Evaluation Unit. Oliver is forced to enter ...
6.40 6.59 505Shinobu, a ninja trainee, is trying to pass her ninja examinations while Kaede, a typical schoolgirl, studies for her school exams in the absurdist comedy Ninja Nonsense. Shinobu's teacher, Onsokumaru...
7.20 6.90 424The "Heian Chapter" is set in the midst of the Heian period, when the inhabitants of Kyoto, the imperial capital, are in great pain and pin their last hopes on finding the five magatama, which stand f...
7.30 6.95 480"Galaxy Angel X" is the fourth season of the "Galaxy Angel" anime series, which aired in 2004. The series follows the Angel Brigade, an elite branch of the Transbaal Empire military. The Brigade co...
7.20 524Tatsumiyajima is the main island in the center of a tiny group of islands in a quiet region of the Japanese islands. There isn't much going on, and the youth of the island attend school knowing that t...
7.00 7.27 527