Takeru Takemoto is a high school student who moonlights as a motorcycle courier. He stumbled into a jungle after seeing a weird light pass him while making one of his deliveries. What he discovered wa...
6.10 6.72 424For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something diffe...
6.90 6.89 540Koshiro Saeki, who is 27 years old and lives with his father Zenzo, is rejected by his girlfriend of two years, Shoko, who says she found someone else because he was too cold. The next morning, he fin...
7.50 7.07 435In an effort to stop a demonic resurrection, the Sanzo Ikkou keeps moving westward. Internal conflict impedes Genjo Sanzo, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku as they struggle to achieve their objecti...
7.60 7.39 499The inhabitants of Mars have a difficult time surviving. Food costs more money and is valued more highly as the economy gets worse. While Gram and his buddies do their best, they find themselves on th...
7.40 7.16 519Gaou, a young kid who lost both an arm and an eye as a child, was bullied and treated differently from an early age since he could not integrate with his friends. Gaou eventually turned to a life of t...
7.50 7.09 547Making movies is Mitsuki Ikuta's job at the Houchiku Corporation. She is regarded by everyone who knows her as being a very immature woman who still dresses in childlike styles. She's a fan of detecti...
6.20 5.50 537One day, Nobita finds a stray dog drowning in a river while playing by the river side. Feeling sorry for the dog, he decides to take it home by hiding it in a "kennel on the wall" and names it Ichi (o...
7.17 7.36 303With Major Motoko Kusanagi missing, Batou from Section 9 takes on the investigation of a series of brutal murders attributed to malfunctioning gynoids, or sex robots. As he delves deeper, a faulty gyn...
7.65 7.78 241