The Saturday family, consisting of Zak, Doc, and Drew, is a group of world-saving scientists known as "The Secret Saturdays." They are part of a secret organization called The Secret Scientists who pr...

6.40 7.80 179

The American animated series "The Venture Bros." premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2003. It combines action and comedy as it follows the misadventures of the Venture family. The family incl...

7.80 6.70 184

The animated series "Storm Hawks" takes place in a fictional world called Atmos, which is primarily mountainous with isolated landmasses known as terras. Beneath these terras lies the Wastelands, a pe...

6.90 6.10 156

Each episode features Bheem and his friends embarking on new adventures, often involving games, festivals, and delicious food. The series is filled with humor, heart, and excitement, making it a fun a...

5.10 191

This animated series uses a comedic style that differs from its predecessor, Totally Spies! While it maintains the over-expressive style of Totally Spies!, the animation itself has a distinct look. Th...

6.10 6.70 172

Batman, the billionaire playboy turned vigilante, faces off against a formidable group of villains in Gotham City. Joined by his allies Robin and Batgirl, Batman must protect the city from the likes o...

6.60 6.40 157

In the 23rd century, Earth has fragmented into countless pieces orbiting a central core. This new world, called Skyland, has given rise to a more advanced human form: Seijins. They possess the ability...

7.20 6.80 109

In this heartwarming tale, a group of forest animals band together to survive when their home is threatened by bulldozers. They face various dangers, including a fire and a perilous river crossing, bu...

7.60 6.80 146

Two female Japanese singers, accompanied by their ambitious manager, embark on a journey to find work. One singer is a rocker, while the other is more gentle. Their adventures take them to various loc...

7.60 7.20 152

Dr. Komyoji creates Jiro, a robot, but a tragic explosion occurs. Dr. Komyoji's children, Mitsuko and Masaru, search for their missing father. Jiro wanders aimlessly until he meets Mitsuko, who teache...

6.00 6.80 151

The Justice League, first introduced in The Brave and the Bold #28, originally consisted of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. Over the years, the te...

7.60 6.60 181

The series continues directly from where *Justice League* left off, featuring an expanded League that includes the original "founding members" alongside numerous other superheroes from the DC Universe...

6.50 6.40 176