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In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac is unique as the sole human among them. Lacking the fangs, fur, or scales that define the inhabitants, she is labeled "Faceless" and lives...
203Nikola, a humble village girl working at an inn, sees her life upended when dragons invade her peaceful world. During this chaos, she encounters Haga, a scholar affiliated with the elite "Seeker" soci...
5.77 6.37 219In a world where humans once triumphed in a great war, Kai serves as the guardian of sealed crypts holding their vanquished enemies. However, when “World Rebirth” alters history, Kai finds himself...
8.30 8.40 324Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just relocated to the bustling city of Dimmadelphia due to her father's new job. For the first time, she's without her brother Antony, who has gone off to college, leaving...
6.70 224Kite Man, a minor villain in Gotham, dives into a series of criminal escapades to realize his dream of owning Noonan's, Gotham's grittiest dive bar. Juggling his various heists and schemes with his am...
7.30 318The series follows Ky, a 15-year-old martial arts student on a grand quest to locate the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Accompanied by his friends Maya and Boomer, Ky journeys around the glo...
7.90 6.70 131Johnny Test is a member of the quirky Test family, which includes his 13-year-old genius twin sisters, Susan and Mary, and his eccentric parents. His mother, Lila, is a relentless businesswoman who wo...
7.80 6.60 133Street Fighter is an animated series based on the popular video game franchise. It was created in 1995 and aired for two seasons on the USA Network. The series follows the adventures of iconic charact...
6.90 7.60 104Green Lantern: The Animated Series follows Hal Jordan, a Green Lantern tasked with protecting Sector 2814. He fights against the Red Lanterns, led by the vengeful Atrocitus, and the Manhunters. Hal's ...
7.50 6.30 124This list includes all episodes from both seasons of the animated series. The episodes are organized based on their original production order, not their actual air dates. Some episodes aired with thei...
8.14 7.00 98