The show follows the adventures of 12-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, whose summer plans are derailed when their parents send them to stay with their Great Uncle Stan in the fictional town of G...

7.00 7.40 147

Three thousand years ago in the Moonlands, the malevolent Shadow Magi Agram was imprisoned within the planet's core by the Core Glyph and the eleven Dreamstones that powered it. Now, Agram seeks to es...

7.90 6.20 74

The Rescue Bots are a team of novice Autobots who aren't yet prepared to confront the Decepticons. Stationed on Griffin Rock, an island off the east coast of America by Optimus Prime, they partner wit...

7.70 7.40 114

After the events of *How to Train Your Dragon*, the Vikings of Berk and the dragons they once fought now live together in peace. However, this coexistence isn't as smooth as it seems. The dragons, sti...

7.10 6.20 127

Lee was eagerly anticipating his sophomore year at A. Nigma High, but his plans took a turn when he was falsely accused of orchestrating the biggest prank in the school's history and sentenced to a fu...

7.30 7.70 90

The series follows teenage Hercules as he trains to become a hero while navigating the challenges of adolescence. Alongside his free-spirited friend Icarus, his future-seeing friend Cassandra, and his...

6.70 6.80 84

In the town of Norrisville, a new ninja has been safeguarding the community for 800 years, with each ninja passing down the suit every four years. The latest ninja is 9th grader Randy Cunningham. Alth...

8.00 6.80 123

Dan Darret and his sisters, Tess and Daisy, are left in charge of The Pole Position Stunt Show after their parents vanish during a stunt race. When their uncle Zachary discloses that their parents wer...

7.50 7.30 122

Plot Summary:Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippou and their neko-mata friend Kirara, are now in the final leg of their quest to put an end to the elusive demon, Naraku and all of the chaos and evi...

6.90 7.00 116

Following his father's death, 15-year-old Eli Shane embraces his destiny to follow in his dad's footsteps to a secret, subterranean world called Slugterra where he is determined to be the greatest Slu...

7.40 7.40 63

Quack Pack was an animated television series made by the Walt Disney Company. The show debuted in September 1996 as a part of the Disney Afternoon weekday afternoon programming block. It lasted for on...

6.10 6.10 112

The series is set all over the world in both real countries as well as many fictitious ones. Tintin lives in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. The actual nations featured include Belgium, Switzerland,...

6.80 6.60 99