The anime series Grappler Baki aired in Japan in 2001, followed by a second series, Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament. The story centers around Baki Hanma's quest to become the strongest grappler in th...

7.50 204

Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a 3D animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man. It premiered in 2009 and follows the adventures of Tony Stark, who becomes Iron Man. The series is p...

6.50 147

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 3D animated series set during the period between Star Wars Episodes II and III. It follows the events of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the...

8.40 134

The story begins with a mysterious explosion at the Xavier mansion, targeting telepaths like Professor X and Jean Grey. This event leads to the disbandment of the X-Men team due to the trauma and loss...

8.00 138

Seven children are mysteriously transported to the Digital World, a realm inhabited by digital creatures called Digimon. They form friendships with a group of Digimon who protect them from harm. The c...

7.40 151

Himura Kenshin, a wandering swordsman with a troubled past, is known for his sunny disposition. He was once a skilled assassin during the Meiji restoration but chose to abandon his violent past. His t...

8.50 200

The Cleveland Show was created by Seth MacFarlane after developing Family Guy and American Dad!. MacFarlane took the character of Cleveland and his son Cleveland Jr. from Family Guy and redesigned Jun...

5.60 165

Jackie Chan, an amateur archaeologist, discovers a magical artifact while working at his uncle's antique shop. This artifact, a shield containing one of twelve talismans, attracts the attention of his...


Gerald, a young boy facing premature baldness, embarks on a journey to find the perfect hair. He encounters various peculiar companions along the way. Gerald's quest is hindered by the villainous Coif...

6.60 159

An ancient legend claims that consuming mermaid flesh grants immortality. Yuta, unknowingly, ate a piece of mermaid flesh centuries ago, leading him on a quest to find a mermaid and reverse the curse....

7.30 6.77 145

The Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off series based on the Madagascar movies. It follows the adventures of four penguin friends: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private. They live in the Central Park Z...

7.50 181

In a world plagued by dragons, dragon hunters and shamans are essential for controlling these fearsome creatures. Seur-Chong, a skilled dragon hunter and shaman, is afflicted with a deadly curse that ...

7.50 160