The anime series will feature previously unseen footage from the SAND LAND anime film, iconic scenes from the original manga, and a new storyline conceived by Toriyama that continues the narrative fro...

7.21 7.55 344

Tomokui Kanata, after an untimely demise, is reborn as a humble goblin. However, he possesses an insatiable appetite. His new ability to grow stronger with each meal rapidly transforms his weak statur...


A particular suburban town, unlike any other, was experiencing an unusual phenomenon. Despite this, Shizuru Chikura harbored a fervent wish: to reunite with her missing friends. Shizuru and her fri...

7.18 313

Holo, a revered wolf deity, has been a symbol of prosperity in the town of Pasloe for centuries. However, as the villagers become more independent, Holo's significance has dwindled to mere folklore. W...

7.40 8.34 392

Allen, a young man deemed a failure for not receiving God's bounty, is actually a former hero with memories and abilities from his past life. Despite being exiled from his duke's family, Allen seeks a...

7.40 5.56 317

Haruka Sakura, a student at Furin High School, is only interested in the most powerful individuals. He seeks to climb to the top through his own strength, uninterested in heroism or teamwork. Furin Hi...

9.00 7.94 460

"The New Gate" is a massive online game where tens of thousands of players compete for survival. Thanks to Shin, the most skilled veteran player, the other players are finally on the brink of escaping...

6.65 454

Tylor Tuskmon, a lifelong admirer of James P. Sullivan, has always aspired to be a Scarer. However, upon arriving at Monsters Incorporated, he discovers that scaring is no longer in vogue and laughter...

7.00 289

Ars Louvent, a once-weak aristocrat, is now reborn in a different realm. Despite his lack of physical prowess and intellectual brilliance in both worlds, he possesses a unique ability called Appraisal...

7.60 7.10 413

Knuckles, the red echidna, embarks on a comical and adventurous quest for self-understanding. He agrees to train Wade, a young echidna, as his apprentice and teach him the skills of an echidna warrior...

6.80 300

Caillou is eager to swim in the ocean during a sleepover at his grandparents' beach house. However, he becomes preoccupied with the differences between his grandparents' routines and those of his pare...

8.00 7.80 242

Caillou becomes the target of unintentional bullying from Rosie. This leads him on an imaginative journey where he faces a giant who disrupts a crucial car race. ...

7.30 7.10 198