New Sailor Moon anime commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is a second-year middle school girl who is a little clumsy and a crybaby, but she is full of energy. One day, she...

7.40 7.10 124

The series revolves around the daily life of Henry Hugglemonster and his slightly chaotic but loving family, living in the suburban town of Roarsville. Everyone in Roarsville is a friendly, fun-loving...

6.00 6.50 96

Led by a boy named Ryder, a team of six playful rescue dogs use their individual talents to protect the seaside town of Adventure Bay. The pups are occasionally joined by newer helpers: Cap'n Turbot, ...

7.40 6.30 113

The series stars a now 14-year-old Penny (though not the first incarnation to do so), who is now an agent in training with The Brain as her new assistant. When Dr. Claw is thawed out of an iceberg and...

6.40 6.50 103

The series focuses on Harvey Beaks, a mild-mannered young bird and his best friends, a pair of rambunctious imp siblings called Fee and Foo. Together, the trio seek adventure and mischief in the magic...

6.70 6.30 113

(English: Seraph of the End) One day, a mysterious virus appeared on Earth which killed every infected human over the age of 13. At the same time, vampires emerged from the world's dark recesses an...

6.60 7.70 111

Remake of the hit 1960's television show. In the 21st century, Jeff Tracy, a former astronaut, amasses a colossal fortune and decides that he must use it to benefit others. His answer to this desire i...

6.70 6.90 100

This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor....

7.50 6.10 115

(English: Blood Blockade Battlefront) One day, New York City as we know it vanished overnight into a mysterious fog. Now known as Hellusalem Road, it has become a place where another world beyond i...

6.50 7.90 105

Commonly known as the "Dungeon," the city of Orario possesses a huge labyrinth in the underground. Its strange name attracts excitement, illusions of honor, and hopes of romance with a pretty girl. In...

6.30 6.80 114

It's been a thousand years since the Gauna, a strange alien race with no known method of communication, destroyed the solar system. A portion of humanity managed to escape using enormous "seed ships" ...

6.10 6.80 114

Yūya Sakaki is a 14-old year student who wants to become a professional entertainment duelist to give everyone a smile, but one day, he ends up fighting an exhibition match against the current champi...

7.40 6.30 107