- Action
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- Anthropomorphism
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- Shounen Ai
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- Zombie
- Strategy
- Hybrid Robot
- Space Battles
- Political Fiction
- Social-networking
- Society
- Girls Love
- Suspense
- Children
- Musical
- Short
- Mini-Series
- Food
- Boys Love
In this widely syndicated cartoon, King Zandor leads a team of eccentric creatures as they defend their futuristic kingdom from intergalactic threats. Together, they face off against various extraterr...
6.70 6.60 110On the planet Mars, an anthropomorphic race of mice passionate about motorsports thrived until they were nearly wiped out by the Plutarkians, an alien race of obese, foul-smelling humanoids who exploi...
8.00 7.10 112In this animated series, based on the movie, two clueless teenage musicians, Bill and Ted, are visited by Rufus, a time traveler from the future. He informs them that they must graduate from high scho...
7.30 7.30 97A winged superhero gains his powers from the sun and fights against various evildoers, relying on the support of his eagle sidekick, Avenger. Together, they tackle challenges and protect the innocent,...
6.90 7.10 104Set in Ancient Camelhot, King Allfire and the Knights of the Square Table fight against evil knights to protect their castle. The story revolves around Flicker, a bright young dragon who dreams of bec...
7.20 7.70 83Bobby Generic is a boy with an overactive imagination who conjures up exciting adventures in his mind. Through his creativity, he transforms everyday situations into thrilling escapades, taking himsel...
7.60 7.70 100This TV series is based on the popular YouTube show "Annoying Orange," featuring Orange and his friends as they embark on various adventures. One of their quirky companions, Nerville, who is played by...
6.60 6.50 93This animated series, loosely based on the film franchise, follows Daniel, Mr. Miyagi, and their new friend Taki as they embark on a global adventure to find an ancient Japanese talisman. Along the wa...
7.10 6.30 119Join the Koala Brothers, Frank and Buster, as they embark on heartwarming adventures in the Australian outback, dedicated to helping those in need. With their kindness and teamwork, they make a positi...
6.90 6.90 101The Land Before Time is an animated television series inspired by the film series created by Judy Freudberg and Tony Geiss. It follows the ongoing adventures of Littlefoot and his friends—Cera, Spik...
6.50 6.70 116