Hayate Ayasaki, an unfortunate 16-year-old, has had to work since he was a young child to make ends meet because of the careless actions of his parents. He learns on Christmas Eve that his parents hav...
6.90 7.53 511Hayate Ayasaki, an unfortunate 16-year-old, has had to work since he was a young child to make ends meet because of the careless actions of his parents. He learns on Christmas Eve that his parents hav...
6.90 7.53 470"Onegai My Melody Sukkiri" is the third season of the "Onegai My Melody" anime series, based on the Sanrio character My Melody. This season aired from April 2007 to March 2008. In the world of "One...
8.30 6.94 501"Gegege no Kitarou (2007)" is the fifth anime adaptation of the classic Japanese manga series "Gegege no Kitarou," created by Shigeru Mizuki. The series aired from 2007 to 2009. The story revolves ...
6.90 6.87 502The main characters in Hitohira are a group of freshmen in high school who either belong to the Drama Club or the considerably smaller Drama Research Society. The protagonist, Mugi Asai, a quiet young...
6.60 6.75 414Dr. Akamashi, who is described as a scientist who used to work for the government, launches a coup in the Forland Kingdom at the beginning of the narrative. The dying monarch orders Alita, his daughte...
6.80 6.99 424The show centers on a trio of kung fu-trained chickens who live and work in a sprawling city-sized mall owned by their nemesis, Dr. Wasabi. Each chicken brings unique skills to the team, using their m...
4.10 426In this adventure, Nobita wishes for a world where magic is the norm, using Doraemon's Moshimo-box. However, he struggles with spellcasting while everyone else thrives, leading him to want to revert t...
7.32 7.58 214The Land Before Time is an animated television series inspired by the film series created by Judy Freudberg and Tony Geiss. It follows the ongoing adventures of Littlefoot and his friends—Cera, Spik...
6.50 6.70 115Shaun, a mischievous sheep, often leads his flock into trouble, causing chaos in the valley. His antics constantly frustrate the sheepdog Bitzer, who tries to keep the Farmer from discovering their sh...
7.70 6.80 107Mountain climbers Gorou Saruwatari and Jack "Lostman" Woodbridge have scaled some of the world's tallest peaks. They are inspired to travel to space after seeing the International Space Station from t...
7.10 7.16 643