The fate of the world is threatened by seemingly monstrous entities known as Angels. NERV is an organisation set up to counter this threat and it is up to young pilots to protect Earth but exactly wha...

7.05 313

Sae (Sacchan) and Mutsumi (Mucchan) once crossed paths. They enjoyed their time together and planned to get together again. But Mucchan never visited that location. A few years later, on his way to...

4.10 4.97 495

Ryuudou Yukiatsu, the wielder of Ayagami, the ability to battle demonic beasts known as "Youi," and his companions the Ayashi are reunited six months after the events of the first series to fight a ne...

6.82 559

Yo Gabba Gabba! is a fun live-action program for young children ages 1 and up. Join our host DJ Lance Rock as he introduces us to friendly toy monsters in a magical land full of music, dance, colorful...

6.80 6.40 114

The show follows the adventures of stepbrothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, who live in the fictional town of Danville, somewhere in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn, is obse...

6.70 7.60 125

Slacker Cats follows the daily, bizarre, and outrageous adventures of two house cats, Buckley and Eddie. The main plots revolve around their schemes to break free from the monotony of being house pets...

6.50 7.70 117

Kate, Rachel, Rose, and Claire go to a private school on Roosevelt Island in New York City. One morning, when everyone awakens, they are all agitated and restless and believe it strange that no one ca...

6.00 6.35 446

As the villainous Grizzle schemes against the Care Bears, it falls upon Oopsy Bear to come to their aid. ...

4.50 4.40 208

Kappa no Coo is a story about Kouichi Uehara, a fourth-grade student who finds a fossilized baby kappa named "Coo." They become friends, and Coo starts living with Kouichi's family. However, Coo strug...

7.35 7.50 238

In 1711, a group of alchemists summon a demon aboard the ship Advenna Avis in an effort to attain eternal life. The spellcaster Maiza Avaro receives the elixir's recipe from the demon, along with inst...

8.20 8.38 471

Finley the Fire Engine is a 2001 CGI children's cartoon series created by Balley Beg animation studios in Douglas, Isle of Man. The show revolves around talking vehicles in the imaginary town of Frien...

7.80 7.70 117

**Piano no Mori** follows the journey of Shuuhei Amamiya, a talented but timid transfer student, and Kai Ichinose, a rebellious boy from a troubled background. As Shuuhei navigates his new school, he ...

7.56 7.62 233