Garfield (character) (Frank Welker) lives with canine Odie (Gregg Berger) and Jon Arbuckle (Wally Wingert) in a what appears to be a suburban town inhabited by cartoon characters (known as Comic Strip...
4.54 4.63 296In the Sengoku period of Japan, a young orphan named Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru steal from unsuspecting villagers in order to make ends meet. However, Kotarou is forced to remain on the run when he ...
7.89 7.67 339Otis, a male cow with udders, and his barnyard pals are the main characters and the focus of the story. Otis needs to be responsible and defend the Barnyard's residents despite his want to ride his ho...
5.70 333The program, which takes place in Richard Scarry's Busytown, teaches the scientific method through tales in which Huckle Cat, his sister Sally Cat, and buddy Lowly Worm use evidence to piece together ...
6.30 403Three thousand years ago in the Moonlands, the malevolent Shadow Magi Agram was imprisoned within the planet's core by the Core Glyph and the eleven Dreamstones that powered it. Now, Agram seeks to es...
7.90 6.20 74As with Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!, this series contains the new redesigned Care Bears with revised tummy emblems (commonly known as "belly badges"), in contrast to the previous animation produced by ...
5.60 377Scooby and Shaggy accidentally board the wrong flight during the gang's Parisian vacation, landing them on a skydiving adventure in the Himalayas. Their troubles don't end there, as they must now evad...
6.50 6.40 126A goofy group of animals are 'WordFriends' that teach preschool kids how to solve problems by building the right word. They journey on funny adventures together discovering that letters form words and...
8.00 7.10 110Bo resides in a castle with the dragon Dezadore. He is younger than Bo, very curious, and prone to mischief because he lacks Bo's physical prowess. Wizard serves as Bo's tutor on the show. When she fa...
4.30 408