The narrative starts in Shizuoka in 1629, under the authority of Tokugawa Tadanaga. Despite the vehement protests of his vassals, the daimy organized a competition in which the competitors used actual...
7.70 7.38 418Code Monkeys centers on the fictional video game company GameaVision, a parody of Activision and Intellivision, and its quirky employees, particularly the laid-back Dave and his high-strung friend Jer...
7.20 386High school teacher Nozomu Itoshiki has such a negative outlook on life that even the tiniest setback can send him spiraling into an uncontrollable state of despair. Some of these "catastrophes" even ...
7.60 7.87 489A man dressed as an odd bird comes across several egg-shaped stones that burrow into the ground in a desolate desert. After pausing to appreciate a flower, one stone turns into a heart, which the bird...
6.90 7.15 502Young female rabbit named Chima resides in the uninhabited Crescent Moon Forest. She has a happy existence because she is buddies with Gaku and Haru, but she longs to travel with Tabi-Usagi San, a mal...
6.40 464The male protagonist Makoto and the two female protagonists Kotonoha and Sekai are involved in a love triangle in the novel. Kotonoha, a girl from a different class who is in the same year as Makoto, ...
6.00 5.54 480Do you know when you'll pass away? Michiru Kita can tell how close someone is to passing away by the color of a "ring of death" she can see around her on their necks. One day, she discovers that Sh...
6.10 6.84 354