Amaumi Haruhiko is a high school student who lives in the city of Narasakicho and attends Shimano Academy. An unidentified rainbow that perpetually looms over Narasakicho is connected to the fulfillme...
5.60 6.59 534The narrative takes place in the year 3567 in a hypothetical future. The entire Earth is encased in a paranormal barrier known as the Olynssis barrier, which distorts space and time. Gardeners, which ...
6.21 503Beatrice". It is a mystical force that accompanies people's wishes and makes them all come true. The only institution that offers Beatrice's "magic appears in the actual world" course is Tokyo Beatric...
7.03 470Yojiro Akizuki, a nomadic mercenary, roams all of Japan in the closing years of the Bakumatsu. In addition to using his sword as usual, he also utilizes it to detect supernatural artifacts that he cha...
7.00 7.11 630High school student Koushi Inuzuka is intelligent and wants to work as a public defender. Unfortunately for our wonderful guy, he came from a family of martial artists, and his father only speaks viol...
6.80 6.86 499A different Kenshiro traversed the bloody streets of Shanghai before Kenshiro spoke the words "You're already dead." As two mafia families compete for dominance, the city is constantly in turmoil. Eri...
7.00 6.68 497The Space Era began two centuries ago, when human civilisation on Earth started to spread into space. However, two meteors that hit the earth at the beginning of the twenty-first century plunged civil...
7.00 6.81 521Princess Feena Fam Earthlight, who hails from the Kingdom of Sphere on the Earth's moon, is the focus of Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na. In order to learn more about Earth and better prepare herself for he...
6.80 7.10 381One night, Kazuki Muto leaps in to try to save what he believes to be a girl in danger from a monster but ends up getting his heart stabbed. Tokiko, the girl, is actually an alchemic warrior wearing a...
6.80 7.31 551The "Death Note," a strange black notebook that can kill anyone as long as the owner knows both the target's name and face, is discovered by unhappy high school student Light Yagami in Tokyo. Light ki...
9.00 8.62 738Kate, Rachel, Rose, and Claire go to a private school on Roosevelt Island in New York City. One morning, when everyone awakens, they are all agitated and restless and believe it strange that no one ca...
6.70 7.06 569