The anime is set in the Tokyo neighborhood of Shinjuku in the year 22 HC (Holy Century). In reality, the story focuses more on the lives of the main characters, such as Natsuki Sasahara, Sakura Bokuse...
8.00 7.01 548Utena Tenjou received a signet ring with roses etched on it from a wandering prince after the passing of her parents. The prince assured Utena that they will someday cross paths again, and because of ...
8.10 8.19 486Prince Sapphire is a girl, which is a major secret in the realm of Silverland. Sapphire unintentionally inherited the blue heart of a boy and the pink heart of a girl when she was born. Sapphire lives...
7.20 6.72 489His father and Musashi share a home. Musashi's mother abandoned them three years ago, but he thinks she'll return. They eventually relocate from Tokyo to a rural village. Musashi begs his father to ta...
6.88 500Saito High is a high school with its spiritual beings and a principal whose hobby is collecting occult paraphernalia. The school has the prophecy-chosen members of the Holy Student Council to protect ...
5.80 6.70 473Tenchi Masaki leaves for school in Tokyo, ready to take on the world! However, his female pals are not delighted to hear that he is leaving, and they moan and grumble at the idea of him being by alone...
7.60 6.87 477Ten-year-old Ash Ketchum lives in Pallet Town and is eager to begin his journey in the world of Pokémon. However, on the day that he is supposed to acquire his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wake...
7.50 7.36 738In this television show for babies, the four colourful Teletubbies coo and play in idyllic Teletubbyland. They repeat fun, infant-pleasing activities such as rolling on the ground, laughing, running a...
6.80 7.90 89In 1939, Danny, a hopeful young cat, dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. He leaves his hometown of Kokomo, Indiana, and heads to Hollywood to pursue his career. After meeting Pudge, a new friend, Dan...
6.90 6.80 156"Jungle de Ikou!" (also known as "Jungre de Ikou") is a three-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series released in 1997. It blends comedy, fantasy, and ecchi elements in an over-the-top, humorous...
5.80 5.33 467Humans live in a gloomy, oppressive planet that is actually dominated by strong beings known as the Darkstalkers. These entities are constantly at war with one another in an effort to prove who is the...
6.50 6.59 645