"Hyper Speed GranDoll" is a three-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series from the mid-1990s that combines elements of the magical girl and mecha genres. The story centers around Hikaru Amami...
4.10 5.47 520The four boys who make up the core of South Park are Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick. The boys reside in the fictional tiny town of South Park, which is situated about a...
8.70 8.60 957The last of the human race lives in submerged "Aqua Bases" one hundred years after aliens seized Earth. Five women who have undergone cybernetic enhancement are trained to launch guerilla strikes agai...
5.80 5.47 461The narrative of Flame of Recca centers on a young man named Recca Hanabishi who is fascinated by ninjas and considers himself to be one. He frequently gets into fights because he declared in front of...
7.30 7.34 501Following the tradition of MTV's earlier animation show Liquid Television, this series, which aired a few years later, featured a collection of animated shorts created by various cartoonists. ...
7.30 7.10 108Cow and Chicken are siblings with human parents whose faces are never shown in the series. Initially, in the pilot episode "No Smoking," their parents' bodies are depicted without upper halves. In the...
7.40 7.40 146When an Emishi village is attacked by a fierce demon boar, the young prince Ashitaka puts his life at stake to defend his tribe. With its dying breath, the beast curses the prince's arm, granting him ...
8.30 8.66 280Captain Star follows the crew of the rocket ship Boiling Hell, dispatched to the deserted "Nameless Planet" at the Ragged Edge of the Universe. The crew includes the self-centered and often paranoid C...
7.40 6.40 112The series originated from a senior thesis project by creator Van Partible at Loyola Marymount University, centered around an Elvis Presley impersonator. This project, titled "Mess O' Blues" (1993), c...
7.60 7.30 119Adventures of a bear from Peru that comes to England after an earthquake that destroys his home. ...
6.70 7.60 104The year is 4999. The human race has long since given up on war in favor of interplanetary sports competition. One of them is a competition where only women compete for the coveted "Cosmo Beauty" titl...
6.70 6.47 536