A large collection consisting of the adventures of the Goddesses featured in the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. Parodies of other works, and a large number of jokes pervade this series of short...

6.60 6.90 540

Miura Kyoji, a committed student of kendo, learns that Tate Masanari, his teacher, is a reincarnated Inca warrior named Yawaru who wants to obliterate the planet in order to purify it. In one of their...

6.60 5.57 525

(Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne) is a delightful collection of shorts featuring the adventures of the Goddesses from the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. This series is packed w...

6.90 7.50 117

One day, an unidentified stranger gives two plush dinosaurs to Miho Shinohara, a 9-year-old elementary school student. She receives a magic sketchbook and pen from the animated plush dinosaurs. She is...

7.30 7.15 518

One day, an unidentified stranger gives two plush dinosaurs to Miho Shinohara, a 9-year-old elementary school student. She receives a magic sketchbook and pen from the animated plush dinosaurs. She is...

7.30 7.15 570

Hibari Hanagokanei is an extremely passionate preteen who would adore having a patapi mascot and dreams frequently of a boy she refers to as "ojii-sama." A "patapi" is a cute artificial creature that ...

5.90 6.56 677

The story follows a cat and a dog who share a single body. Dog's head is at one end, and Cat's head is at the other. The two constantly argue due to Dog's foolishness and Cat's uptight nature. The sto...

6.50 104

Bullies frequently pick on the weak and defenseless, like Yuugi Mutou. Anzu Mazaki, his lovely childhood friend, is always there to defend him, but he can't always rely on her. Despite often causing Y...

7.80 7.22 391

"Lost Universe" is a science fiction anime series from the creator of the "Slayers" series, Hajime Kanzaka. While it is not directly related to "Slayers," it is considered to be set in the same univer...

7.00 7.01 475

In the post-apocalyptic world of Basara, a line of corrupt and repressive Saffron Clan lords have ruled over Japan. The present one is the Golden Emperor, a ruler who has slaughtered the majority of h...

7.30 7.27 594

A fresh cast of characters appear in Beast Wars II, which is set many years in the future and takes place on the planet Gaia, a post-apocalyptic version of Earth. In order to stop the Destrons, comman...

6.70 6.38 562