The concept is a darkly comedic and satirical show where celebrities face off in a wrestling ring, and the twist is that the stakes are life or death. Each episode features a new set of celebrities co...
8.00 7.90 113A space opera/space western called Outlaw Star is based in the imagined "Towards Stars Era" cosmos. An asteroid that contained the substance "dragonite" crashed in the fictitious Arashon desert in nor...
7.90 7.85 533Characters include Makoto Mizuhara, the franchise's protagonist who, until recently, was a Japanese schoolboy, and his similarly transferred buddy Nanami. Nevertheless, Makoto views Nanami as nothing ...
6.40 6.81 548The overall series plot revolves around the villainous Mishima Industries' plan to rule the world through its products, while each episode focuses on Nuku Nuku's misadventures and relationships with k...
7.20 6.58 579Chucklewood Critters is an American animated television series and line of specials created by former Hanna-Barbera animators Bill Hutten and Tony Love. The show centers on the adventures of two woodl...
7.90 6.50 109In the not too distant future, humankind will have developed to the point that it will be possible to completely transplant a human body into a machine. By blending the boundaries between the physical...
6.90 7.64 482Years after the war against the Tokugawa Shogunate has ended, discontent simmers among those unhappy with the outcome. Shigure Takimi witnesses his friends and family fall in the pursuit of freedom an...
7.28 7.55 287Basara departs Fire Bomber and heads to the planet Zola less than a year after the events depicted in the Macross 7 TV series. There, he meets Elma, a young woman who is a huge Fire Bomber fan. He mus...
6.20 6.82 540The year is around the 1920’s and the darkness of the demons have arrived. Now, only the people with large amounts of spirit energy can save the Earth. The Flower Division is now going to be sent ou...
6.80 6.54 495Focuses on the activities of Team Warrior, a division of the Neo-Tokyo Police dedicated to counterterrorism. Team Warrior is captained by the mysterious Maki and includes the habitually broke Rio, the...
6.50 6.55 512Lapis is Sorcerland's princess. It's unfortunate that she isn't much smarter considering how stunning, strong, and charismatic she is. Even if it means destroying the kingdom, she would do whatever it...
5.70 5.96 454Each episode typically begins with Santa Claus getting ready for Christmas and engaging in holiday preparations at his workshop. Soon, two recurring villains, Gruzzlebeard and his partner Dudley, appe...
6.90 6.10 111