Intergalactic aliens are invading Earth, and it falls to the elite, covert Bureau of Alien Detectors to locate and eliminate them. However, some individuals in positions of power have their own concea...
6.10 7.50 111In the original "Big Bad Beetleborgs," three average pre-teens—Derek, Margo, and Jo—stumble into a haunted house and meet a quirky blue ghost named Flabber. After freeing him from a pipe organ, th...
7.40 6.20 108During the monkey-manned spaceflights of the 1960s, one rocket veered off course, sending a chimp named Charlie into the far reaches of space. After many years, Charlie’s spacecraft was found by the...
7.60 7.80 117Quack Pack was an animated television series made by the Walt Disney Company. The show debuted in September 1996 as a part of the Disney Afternoon weekday afternoon programming block. It lasted for on...
6.10 6.10 110The two best friends at the center of the series were white 11-year-old Zach Nichols and Native American 10-year-old Annie Redfeather. One of them violates the day's chosen virtue—loyalty, compassio...
7.10 398Remi and his mother reside in Chavanon, a French village, since the story is set in the 19th century. His father Jerome Barberin is a Paris-based worker. When he gets hurt, he chooses to go back to hi...
8.20 7.90 510The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest is a 1990s animated series that follows teenage adventurers Jonny Quest, Hadji Singh, and Jessie Bannon as they investigate mysteries with Dr. Benton Quest and Race ...
7.70 163Three hundred years after the Great War, the Maximals, descendants of the Autobots, rule Cybertron in peace with the Predacons. However, a Predacon named Megatron seeks to disrupt this peace by steali...
6.00 7.70 153In "Cyber Formula Saga," the plot follows the protagonist, Hayato Kazami, who has grown from a rookie driver to a seasoned and respected participant in the Cyber Formula, a Grand Prix of races in cybe...
7.34 538A Federation agent named Birdy Cephon Altera is pursuing extraterrestrial criminals to Earth. Tsutomu Senkawa, a high school student, is accidentally killed by her when she is chasing one of these cri...
6.90 7.09 567The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...
7.50 7.35 463