Ken Usato is a normal high-schooler in every sense of the word—average grades, dreams, and a tendency to dislike extraordinary people. However, when he encounters the president and the vice presiden...
7.60 7.51 1137In the realm of teenage hearts, we find Wataru Sajou, a young man whose affections orbit around his radiant classmate, Aika Natsukawa. Fuelled by the flames of love, he approaches her with unwavering ...
6.60 6.80 699Aya transferred into Kuromi Girls Academy a month ago with the goal of changing herself into a proper lady. After meeting the breathtaking Shirayuri, Aya is blown away by her elegance and posterity. I...
532YURI!!! On ICE is the most well-known figure skating anime, and a highlight of the sports anime genre in general. It stands up on other well-known sports animes. ...
563Gabimaru the Hollow, a ninja of Iwagakure Village known for being cold and emotionless, was set up by his fellow ninja and is now on death row. Tired of killing and betrayal, he wants to die. However,...
8.80 8.42 674High school student Wakana Gojou spends his days perfecting the art of making hina dolls, hoping to eventually reach his grandfather's level of expertise. While his fellow teenagers busy themselves wi...
805The seemingly unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, Saitama relentlessly trained for three years, losing all of his hair in the process....
1000Ten years ago, "the Gate" appeared and connected the real world with the realm of magic and monsters. To combat these vile beasts, ordinary people received superhuman powers and became known as "Hunte...
8.80 8.47 1321In the bustling tapestry of college life, Keitarou Gentouga stands out as an enigma. His inherent ability to magnetize spirits, a gift he loathes, makes his life anything but ordinary. A fateful encou...
7.60 7.45 758Being reincarnated into another world with an extraordinary "cheat" power sounds promising enough. However, when Reinhart, now known as Hart to his newfound companions, is reborn as a baby and abandon...
8.20 6.78 663After World War II, Allied Command in Japan developed a new agency to help manage terrorism and violence within the Pacific region. The agency was staffed with ninja and they were initially tasked to ...
7.80 6.54 1085Everyone has a dream they strive to achieve, and so does the musically talented Kanon Shibuya. However, due to her stage fright, Kanon fails to make it into Yuigaoka Girls' High School's music program...