"Wake Up, Girls! Shichinin no Idol" is a film associated with the "Wake Up, Girls!" anime franchise. It serves as a sequel to the TV series and follows the story of the idol group Wake Up, Girls! as t...

6.90 7.17 395

Wake Up Girls Seishun no kage: Green Leaves Entertainment is a tiny production company on the verge of going out of business in Sendai, the biggest city in Japan's northeastern Tohoku region. The agen...

6.00 7.16 327

Seven girls from Sendai, Miyagi who create the idol group "Wake Up, Girls! (WUG)" and collaborate to rise to the top of the idol world tell their growth and friendship stories in "Wake Up, Girls!" ...

6.53 395

The story, which takes place at Winford Academy in the historic community of Helen's Hill, is all about knights and the jousting sport. Students are taught how to ride horses, joust, and become knight...

6.20 6.32 419

Japan will soon possess powerful digital and picture technology. "FORMULA VENUS" is a brand-new form of entertainment that has people excited. Known by the abbreviation "F-V," it is a live competition...

5.30 528

The Austrian Empire sends Princess Marie Antoinette to France to be married to Crown Prince Louis XVI at a time when social inequality and tensions among the underprivileged populace are on the rise. ...

8.33 394

Both Takashi Katori and his American buddy Sarah are avid players of internet games. One of their role-playing games, however, crosses the line when Takashi's Lezarion robot and their virtual world so...

8.20 6.68 544

A YouTuber who presents oneself as an animated character while concealing their real appearance and still entertaining viewers is known as a "Virtual YouTuber," or VTuber. The VTubers in Virtual-san w...

5.30 408

A series of 9 animated shorts based on the Frank comics by Jim Woodring, ...

7.20 5.79 491

Vampires have been around for a very long time, and they are ruled by the Scarlet Moon. Every year, "Visual Prison," a visual kei contest, takes place. The Scarlet Moon bestows enormous power upon the...

7.10 6.68 466

Fuuka and Rinne, who both grew up in the same orphanage, were formerly great friends but broke up following a fight in which Rinne defeated Fuuka with her martial arts prowess. When Fuuka left the orp...

7.00 7.01 511

The Manifestation Engine, which is located on Blue Island, has been the solution to the world's energy crisis for the past five years. The jovial Akane Isshiki, her trusty younger sister Momo, and her...

5.70 6.45 452