A talented young medical student seeks to establish himself in the 1960s. A shy young guy with odd black and white hair, scars all over his body, and a troubled past, Kuroo Hazama is restrained. His s...
7.00 7.22 421The setting of Yozakura Quartet is actually divided into two worlds: a human world and a youkai world. Youkai may have physical characteristics resembling animals despite having a largely human appear...
6.40 6.80 391Many people from both the human and youkai worlds crossed over to the other side hundreds of years ago when the boundaries between them briefly overlapped. The sacred Seven Pillars that surround the c...
7.20 7.47 396This storyline centers on Rin Azuma, a Jiang-Shi yokai who lives in Sakurashin and works at a ramen shop as she gets used to her new existence there. One day, Rin's old acquaintance Zakuro Kurumaki, t...
7.00 7.38 443"Tsuki ni Naku" will take the story content from volume 11 of the manga, which features a visit to a onsen by the members of the Hiizumi Life Councelling Office, while the town's police force have to ...
7.47 407Yuusuke Urameshi, a delinquent 14-year-old with a bleak future, gets a miracle chance to change his life one tragic day when he jumps in front of a moving automobile to save a small kid. The rulers of...
6.80 7.26 410Bullies frequently pick on the weak and defenseless, like Yuugi Mutou. Anzu Mazaki, his lovely childhood friend, is always there to defend him, but he can't always rely on her. Despite often causing Y...
7.80 7.22 394Yuusei Fudou is on the hunt for the things that were taken from him. Riding Duels, the pinnacle of amusement for the citizens of Neo Domino City, represent the evolution of the dueling world. They ar...
6.90 7.43 442Yuki Sakurai, who was raised as an orphan, questions his capacity to view a person's traumatic past by simply touching them and his reason for existing. Yuki is unable to get rid of the nagging feelin...
6.80 7.22 361The village of Meirocho is home to many Uraras, or fortune tellers, who are experts in various branches of the art. A girl named Chiya, who was nurtured in the woods, travels to Meirocho in search of ...
6.80 7.12 446