"Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!" follows the story of a high school girl named Hoshino Miyako, who develops a strong admiration and adoration for her sister's friend, Hoshikawa Hana. With Hana's arriv...
6.27 486At a summer camp, the outgoing Luise and the reserved Lotte discover they are identical twins who were split up at birth by their divorced parents. The girls get to know one another and decide to trad...
7.02 469Masaki Hinaoka, 14, is vivacious and upbeat as he walks his pet corgi around the beach in the early morning sunlight. Masaki's eyes start to shine in wonder as he notices a blond boy surfing with a so...
6.60 5.83 486"Wave!! Surfing Yappe!!" is an anime series that centers around the sport of surfing. It follows the story of Masaki Hinaoka, a high school student who moves from a landlocked city to a coastal town. ...
6.80 5.99 401Takeshi was a regular person up until he was inexplicably transported into the bizarre Weiss Schwarz Battle Space during an innocent study session with Michi, the most attractive girl in the school. W...
6.03 379The four young men that make up Weiss Kreuz (WK), an assassin organization that takes out certain threats to society, are Aya, Youji, Ken, and Omi. Each team member has an own fighting style. Aya is s...
7.60 6.70 392Two odd hawker girls accompany Baba Lamunade home and give him a CD-rom game. The females emerge from his computer once he defeats "The Legend of Lamuness," and they take him to DokiDoki Space. He is ...
6.80 7.05 446"Weiß Kreuz Glühen" is an anime series and the sequel to the original "Weiß Kreuz" (Knight Hunters) series. It continues the story of a group of young assassins known as Weiß (German for "white") ...
7.60 6.55 327"Knight Hunters," also known as "Weiß Kreuz," is an anime series that follows the adventures of a group of young assassins known as Weiß (German for "white"). By day, they work as florists, but by n...
5.70 6.84 363Tensions in the country of Wellber, which was barely able to maintain peace because conflict with its neighboring country, Sangatras, could break out at any time, were rising ten years after the Great...
5.80 6.70 413