Yanagi Yukito, an orphan, unexpectedly crosses paths with a quirky student of his late father. This peculiar individual brings him to his ancestral home on Ayakajima, a cluster of seven islands rumore...
6.80 6.10 838A healing work about mutual salvation and joint efforts....
545Alyssa, a solitary witch dwelling in the depths of the forest, stumbles upon a human infant one fateful day. Despite her initial bewilderment, Alyssa bestows upon the child the name Viola and makes th...
6.60 6.66 642Set in the not-so-distant future, this sci-fi anthology introduces us to a world where humanoids, equipped with advanced AI, make up 10% of the population. At the heart of the story is Dr. Sudo Hikaru...
6.67 7.03 625Yuuta Asamura gets a new stepsister after his father remarries, Saki Ayase, who happens to be the number one beauty of the school year. They promise each other not to be too close, not to be too oppos...
573The demon king has been defeated, and the victorious hero party returns home before disbanding. The four—mage Frieren, hero Himmel, priest Heiter, and warrior Eisen—reminisce about their decade-lo...
8.80 8.94 881Business deals are usually made through meetings and contracts; but in the world of Kengan Ashura, businesses resort to other means to make their decisions: by hiring gladiators. Yabako Sandrovich's K...
435Within the safety of the walls, youths are raised in a nursery-style setting by robots. While life there may appear stale on the surface, the children are full of potential and curiosity. In many ways...
9.10 8.10 602Once hailed as a virtuoso on the violin, Hajime's passion for music waned after his father, the acclaimed violinist Ryuuji Aono, faced a scandal that subjected his family to relentless media scrutiny....