The plot revolves around Tosuke Rokudo, who is frequently bullied at school. He receives a package from his grandfather one day, and inside is a scroll that grants him an unknown power. Tosuke believe...

6.50 6.18 564

A childless middle-aged couple's life is graced by the arrival of an angelic child, courtesy of the stork. Hitori's parents are loving, their home is lavish, and the meals are delectable. However, in ...

6.72 644

The premise of the anime sees theater experiencing a worldwide boom due to the advent of performers called Dai Stars. The story will follow 16-year-old Kokona, who aspires to be a World Dai Star and j...

6.40 6.74 719

"Perception Art" has been around for about ten years in the art world. It has now permeated the entire globe and is an active part of people's lives. Kazuya Yamanashi, the son of famous "artists" and ...

5.40 5.70 361

A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, a troublemaker, a meanie, an idiot and a wimpy kid....


Fate Graphite is one of the forsaken. Cursed with the skill "Gluttony," he is ever starving, never sated... until the day he kills a dying thief and devours the man's strength—and his soul. The true...


In 2222, humanity has been forever altered by the Tears of the New Moon—a devastating downpour that nearly eradicated the human population. This toxic rainfall spawned grotesque creatures with an in...

7.80 6.96 601

Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba, two incredibly gifted brothers who are beginning their second year at First High School, the top institution for magicians, are brilliant in their own right. Given how close ...

7.47 7.77 859

An unappealing otaku awakens in the body of a pig after he passes out while eating raw pig liver. The pig finds himself in the company of Jess, an innocent girl who can read people's minds, and she ac...


Liza Luna has been dispatched to Earth by the space empire Azatos. At first, she thought that it would be fine to destroy the Earth, since it has a low level of civilization. However, after stopping a...


In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and his leg in an accident some years earlier, returns ...

7.12 7.42 636

Three years into her life as a shut-in, vampire Terakomari Gandesblood (Komari for short), awakens to find she's been appointed as a Commander in the Mulnite Imperial Army! The thing is, her new unit ...

6.50 7.38 646