A new Disney version of the classic children's stories about Winnie the Pooh and his friends. Rather than the animated versions of the past, this series is done entirely in a puppet format. In it, Tig...

7.30 6.30 72

The protagonist of the novel is Tsubaki Sadamitsu, a young criminal and the head of the Corpse Gang, who by chance meets Rykei-dai ( "Exiled One"), an alien robot sent to Earth to apprehend criminals...

6.50 6.84 576

HabaHaba sends a few of his hoobs to Earth to learn more about humans, referred to as "tidleypeeps." These curious creatures embark on adventures to discover the peculiarities of human life and behavi...

7.70 6.90 82

This mid-season replacement show was about best friends traveling across the United States on a road trip, accomplishing nothing of importance, and unwittingly destroying hopes, dreams, and personal p...

7.30 6.50 78

The main character, Baki Hanma, trains very hard to become as strong as his father, Yujiro Hanma, the world's strongest fighter. To confront Baki, five of the cruelest and most savage death row convic...

7.50 7.46 654

The Daichis are a dysfunctional family that might split up. Mom Seiko, who is dissatisfied and driven by money, has issued divorce papers to dad Mamoru, who is a cowardly otaku. Nozomi, the daughter w...

7.40 6.71 429

"Beyblade" is an anime series based on the line of spinning-top toys of the same name. The series follows the journey of Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya in the Japanese version), a passionate and talent...

6.80 6.74 470

Thirteen-year-old Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya) aspires to be the best Beyblader in the world, along with his colleagues Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate (Max Mizuhura), and Ray Kon (Rei Kon). The Bladebreaker...

6.80 6.75 503

The pre-order bonus for Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave is Tales of Gekijou. Sunrise made a set of five quick animations for it. In the New Year Special on BS-TBS, episodes 1 and 2 were broadcast. ...

5.90 6.20 465

With a sizable arsenal of armed Zoids, orbital platforms supported by their own launch facilities, and orbital-based weapons systems, the Zoid Battle Commission appears to be a serious force on Planet...

7.40 7.32 456

Bill and Ben are two playful flowerpot men who enjoy games and having fun in their garden while the gardener is away. In their adventures, they interact with a delightful cast of friends, including We...

7.90 7.60 74

The first episode of **Robot Chicken** premiered on February 20, 2005, at midnight EST on Adult Swim, with the first season concluding on July 18, 2005. The second season began on April 2, 2006, and w...

7.90 7.30 72