This anime is based on a 1999 radio drama about three very different girls named Akari, Yuki, and Nozomi who attend the concert of popular pop star Reika and have their lives significantly affected as...
6.60 6.50 480A series of short films packaged with certain model kits and aired at conventions, the Gundam Evolve series chronicles a number of side-stories, alternative scenes, and even bonus omake from all aroun...
6.00 6.52 465For Hajime Murata, the world is about to fall apart. Then, a mystery new transfer student shows up at his school wearing an old school uniform after an odd alien ship emerges above Tokyo. Muryou is hi...
7.40 6.98 499Tenmo, a made-up town in the Kanagawa Prefecture, serves as the scene of the action. In the year 2070, a strange enormous entity that is practically a monster in itself stops an alien invasion of Toky...
7.40 7.00 469Meirin Kanzaki discovered her feng-shui abilities almost as soon as she learned how to speak as a young child, and she developed them to the point where she has created an online help desk where she g...
7.40 6.75 501The story takes place in the city of Xenon in the year 2097. A cybergame that puts players against each other as biomechanical cyberrobots has been developed. However, there's a problem. The virtual a...
4.70 6.09 554"Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!" follows the story of a high school girl named Hoshino Miyako, who develops a strong admiration and adoration for her sister's friend, Hoshikawa Hana. With Hana's arriv...
6.27 453The misadventures of a group of childhood friends who keep in touch even while they go to separate colleges....
7.80 7.10 67Gin and Vodka, searching for Shiho Miyano, break into Akemi Miyano's apartment and listen to the messages on her answering machine. They learn that Shiho is going to a private viewing of two new skysc...
7.60 7.50 156Untalkative Bunny is an animated series about a delightful, facially-expressive, yellow-coated bachelor bunny, and its life in the big city. The episodes usually deal with Bunny and the problems of a ...
7.00 7.80 86Parappa is your typical talking dog who likes to hang out with his pals, listen to music, and go on adventures. Along with his companions, Parappa encounters numerous bizarre events as he learns how t...
7.60 6.15 510Taro, 14, moves to Tokyo to live with his grandfather after losing his mother. The biggest shock, however, comes when he learns that his grandfather's house is a massive mansion with a large staff of ...
6.30 6.58 511