The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.50 5.95 368

The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.60 5.94 403

The anime series Grappler Baki aired in Japan in 2001, followed by a second series, Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament. The story centers around Baki Hanma's quest to become the strongest grappler in th...

7.50 171

Confined in the castle tower by her father, princess Arete spends her days watching the world outside her window. Sometimes she seeks out to watch the common people at work. The knights of the kingdom...

5.34 6.78 188

Stubborn, spoiled, and naïve, 10-year-old Chihiro Ogino is less than pleased when she and her parents discover an abandoned amusement park on the way to their new house. Cautiously venturing inside, ...

8.60 8.77 294

One man. Five females. Single roof. Despite being a rehashed concept, it is timeless. An ancient genre is given a dynamic twist in Happy Lesson. Five women live with Chitose at his home. The contin...

6.50 6.61 468

The film presents an incredible look at the lives of American dinosaurs, showcasing the Feathered Dromeosaurs (Raptors) and the unusual Therizinosaur for the first time. Each story is engaging and tho...

6.30 7.60 89

A typical Japanese schoolgirl named Juna Ariyoshi has a profound appreciation for the natural world and a youthful sense of curiosity. Juna passes away in a motorcycle accident one day while traveling...

7.10 6.80 370

The long-running conflict between the machine men and the planet Earth has finally come to an end, but the peace that has been achieved is more of a win for the machine men than for the Earth. Warrius...

7.10 6.65 522

Tohru Honda, a high school student, decides to move in with her grandfather after learning that her mother died in a car accident. She temporarily leaves her grandfather's home due to renovations to t...

7.90 7.68 564

Iori Monaka, the human owner of Taruto, and his adolescent niece Kinako relocate to a new home in a big city at the start of the series. Taruto, a famous princess with unique magic abilities, spends h...

7.40 6.20 486

Hibiki Amawa is a motivated young guy who graduated from college with a certificate in athletics and whose ideal job is to be a professional instructor. He rushes off to the adjacent Seit Sannomiya Pr...

7.00 6.78 486