"Initial D Extra Stage" is a two-part Original Video Animation (OVA) side story that complements the main "Initial D" anime series. Known for its focus on street racing and car culture, "Initial D" fo...

6.90 7.31 548

A 10-year-old girl named Poemi Watanabe (also known as Kobayashi) wants to become a well-known voice actress. Her voice acting is even awful as her poor academic performance, which is unfortunate. To ...

7.10 6.54 439

A select group of Mars' most talented LEV pilots have recently returned from a training exercise. Some of the pilots encounter difficulties with an UNSF inspection team that harbors animosity towards ...

6.40 194

Kintaro, a former head of a biker gang who was both feared and revered, decides that because his wife passed away and he now has to care for his small son, it's time to "straighten out" and become a "...

5.70 7.42 461

The city of Zentrix is a utopia thanks to the supercomputer Omicronpsy, created by Emperor Jarad. But Omicronpsy turns against Jarad and takes control of the city. Jarad and Dr. Roark are lost in time...

8.30 101

They once again become witches after losing their magical capacity to do so. However, they are now required to pass assessments given by the Witches of the Witch World. They also welcome Momoko, a new...

7.10 7.40 471

In the distant future, shortly after the conclusion of World War IX, Lloyd Nebulon, a green-skinned alien from the Verdigrean race with distinctive ears and a single antenna, resides in the Intrepidvi...

6.70 7.60 127

The Zeta Project follows Zeta and Ro as they try to prove Zeta's peaceful nature. The NSA agents believe terrorists reprogrammed Zeta. Zeta and Ro search for Zeta's creator, Dr. Selig, to prove his in...

7.00 7.30 129

A man navigates through a dream, encountering various individuals along the way. As he interacts with them, they engage in deep conversations about the meanings and purposes of the universe, exploring...

7.20 7.90 84