The Legend of the Condor Hero is continued. ...
7.40 7.30 543"Galaxy Angel" is an anime series that is a mix of science fiction, comedy, and sometimes even absurdity. The series follows the misadventures of the Angel Brigade, an all-female branch of the Transba...
6.90 7.02 490The narrative centers on a young man called Ryo Takatsuki, who initially thinks that an accident caused his right arm to be severed from his body. But as the plot develops, it becomes clear that he an...
6.70 6.96 461"Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i" is a 26-episode anime series that aired in 2001. It is a spin-off of the "Zone of the Enders" video game series and part of the larger franchise. The series was produc...
7.40 6.93 475Children have evolved into Web divers in the year 2100 and have uploaded their consciousness onto vast computer networks. They have fun at a virtual playground called Magical Gate. The Magical Gate is...
7.00 6.92 501The "Di Gi Charat Ohanami Special" is a part of the "Di Gi Charat" anime series, which follows the hilarious exploits of the catgirl alien princess Dejiko and her sidekicks Puchiko and Gema. The wo...
6.65 478"Haja Kyosei G Dangaiou" (also known as "Dangaiou Great") is a mecha anime series that aired in 2001. It's a sequel to "Haja Taisei Dangaioh" (or "Dangaioh: Hyper Combat Unit"), but features a new sto...
5.80 5.42 529According to the premise of Sister Princess, a regular young man (the player) is forced to live with 12 adorable younger sisters, each of which has their own unique traits and personalities. The actua...
5.10 6.39 411