No direct continuation of the first Black Jack. As Black Jack learns about Organization and Project "Noir," in which his father and other well-known doctors participated, he tries to figure out the my...
7.60 7.56 511Kasumi Kogen, often known as "The Village of Mist," is a small village in a rural area of Japan. The Shinobi Gakuen, a school in this town, is where capable female students from over Japan come to tra...
5.50 6.32 425People express their deepest emotions and wishes in their dreams, but when those emotions become too powerful and enter reality, the dream can become an uncontrollable nightmare. As "yume tsukai" (...
6.60 6.42 350Beast+ is billed as a stand-alone series, however it continues where Beast left off. The episodes are shortened to around ten minutes, and they air in Oha Coliseum's thirty-minute time slot alongside ...
6.80 6.80 91A bright young woman with aspirations of serving her country as a government official, Shuurei Kou is the daughter of an aristocratic but poor family. Her desire, however, is out of reach because wome...
7.70 7.89 477A bright young woman with aspirations of serving her country as a government official, Shuurei Kou is the daughter of an aristocratic but poor family. Her desire, however, is out of reach because wome...
7.60 7.90 443Filiel's obstinate astronomer father gave her a gift of her mother's jewelry on her 15th birthday. Her routine, everyday existence was transformed into one filled with plots. There will be numerous ad...
6.00 6.70 514A gluttonous 14-year-old beauty named Kirari Tsukishima has no interest in idols or the entertainment industry since she is preoccupied with eating. She has no idea about love because of her passion w...
7.00 7.05 486In the book, Sara Pezzini, an NYPD homicide investigator, acquires the Witchblade, a paranormal, sentient gauntlet that joins with a female host and grants her a variety of abilities so she can battle...
7.00 7.23 323In a town where there are many Japanese businesspeople, Okajima Rokuro is one of them. His typical day consists of being yelled at by his managers and social drinking with clients. However, he finally...
7.90 8.03 827