The main character of Ballad of a Shinigami is Momo (), a young-appearing girl who is a shinigami, or death deity. Momo is a god of death who guides the spirits of the dead to the other side while wea...

6.30 6.91 465

The series follows the adventures of three classroom pets: Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck. Together, they travel around the globe to rescue animals in need. Despite not havi...

7.30 6.80 104

In a future in which humans and their android servants, the AutoReiv, live in a dome-shaped city called "Romdo," which has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust, there remains hope. It is a paradise ...

7.90 7.91 506

Vampires are real. It is the responsibility of Hellsing, a covert agency supported by the British government, to conceal that horrifying fact and safeguard the populace's blissfully uninformed citizen...

8.30 8.36 681

One year has passed since the OVA when the tale begins. Due to the devastation caused by the previous war, the proprietor of the lingerie bar "Pallion" gave up and founded "New Papillion" in Akihab...

4.40 4.51 458

Milo Powell is a young Japanese-Canadian youngster who lives in the fictional Toronto neighborhood of Halverston-in-Area until a young person gets into difficulty. Milo morphs into Captain Flamingo, w...

4.40 411

"Futari wa Precure: Splash Star" is the third installment in the popular "Precure" (short for "Pretty Cure") magical girl anime franchise. It aired in Japan from 2006 to 2007. The series follows Sa...

8.40 7.19 513

A young girl who lives in an old cottage in the mountains is the subject of this tale. Bincho-tan is her name. Each episode shows a day in the life of Bincho-tan as she gets ready for the day, walks t...

7.40 6.93 433

Marketing worker Fumihiko Matsumaru is ready to discard his tickets after being turned down for a movie date when he is stopped by a girl who begs him to let her go with him instead. Fumihiko has a go...

7.29 378

Our wiki has spotlighted several notably poor webcomics. Among them is **Jack**, a poorly received furry comic set in Hell. **Chugworth Academy** is criticized for its misogynistic themes and weaboo t...

6.40 6.40 106

The year is 2030 and an influx of refuges have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the Individual Eleven. With a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will they t...

8.03 191

Continuation of 2000's The Emperor's New Groove, showcasing Kuzco's attempts to graduate from his kingdom's school, and his former advisor Yzma's evil attempts to keep him from his goal....

7.20 6.30 85