After his mother experienced a miscarriage and subsequent hysterectomy, the story revolves around the Christmas wish of young Haruma Kawagoe, who was excitedly anticipating having a baby sister. A you...
6.40 6.77 484The lives of various young adults who reside in or close to the metropolis of Tokyo are the focus of the anime. Although many various lifestyles are depicted, the novel frequently concentrates on the ...
8.30 8.32 563Tomoe ga Yuku! (Tomoe Will Go!titular )'s character has the bravery to roller skate down motorways for fun. Tomoe joins the stunt team Green Ship after losing a friend in a skating accident. Tomoe has...
6.70 6.69 415When 11-year-old Wataru's father leaves home and his mother is taken ill to the hospital, he decides to change his fate by traveling through the door shown to him by his friend Mitsuru. In a land of m...
6.44 5.12 307Ange, a little girl, is called to a Sacred Land and selected as the Legendary Etoile, tasked with saving the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast from an impending calamity. She sets off on a journey t...
7.00 6.83 526Although Miki serves as the shop's spokesperson, she frequently gets into problems because of her exuberant and active nature. The over-the-top conduct of the characters contributes significantly to t...
8.20 7.10 511Nanami Takahashi is excited to start her first year of high school and make plenty of new friends. She learns about Yano Motoharu, a popular boy in their class, after meeting the bashful Yuri Yamamoto...
6.80 7.26 452Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière is a noblewoman who can't seem to master magic; every time she tries, an explosion occurs. Her classmates call her "Louise the Zero" since she is unable to u...
7.00 7.25 452Following the events of Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo, Saito Hiraga and Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière launch an assault. With the assistance of two additional individuals who poss...
7.00 7.24 430Sunao Konoe finds out there isn't a drama club on her first day at a new school, which surprises her. She then makes a decision to create her own. But it seems that really starting the club is going t...
5.90 6.57 300The plot opens in Paris, 1742, when the body of Lia de Beaumont, a woman, is discovered in a coffin floating along the Seine. [7] The word "Psalms," which is inscribed in blood on the casket lid, is t...
7.10 7.20 546