At the prestigious Rikkyouin High School, the new Student Council members are determined by a lottery held once a year. On their first day, Chihiro Enomoto wins the presidency, and his childhood frien...
6.20 7.90 85The world has advanced to radio-wave technology in the year 220X, and the Wave Road connects all of it. Meet Subaru Hoshikawa, a fifth-grader whose father perished in an accident in space. Subaru enco...
7.70 7.08 444The protagonist of the tale is 15-year-old high school student Kenichi Shirahama, a longtime victim of bullying. He befriends Miu Frinji, a transfer student, early on in the novel. Wanting to learn mo...
8.10 8.07 533Every student's spot in the massive and prestigious Rikkyouin academy is decided by lottery. The president of the student council, who represents status and wears a huge helmet, is in charge of runnin...
5.70 6.25 440The world has advanced to radio-wave technology in the year 220X, and the Wave Road connects all of it. Meet Subaru Hoshikawa, a fifth-grader whose father perished in an accident in space. Subaru enco...
7.50 7.08 575"Ghost Slayers Ayashi" (also known as "Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi") is an anime series produced by Bones. The series is set in the Edo period of Japan and follows the story of a wandering vagabond na...
6.40 6.88 519The Bakumatsu era, when the Shogunate was nearing the end of its reign and conflict was looming, is the setting for the television series. The ornament on the end of Yojiro Akizuki's sword hilt waves ...
7.11 445Yuichi Aizawa returns to this city after seven years. In his childhood, he often visited it, but something happend in the past which caused him to block out his memories of the events of seven years a...
7.50 7.96 430Karada Iokawa, a young girl who will begin junior high school after the summer break, and Shko Nogami, a young lady who has just returned from studying abroad and who also happens to be the ex-girlfri...
6.90 7.04 501