Although it is geared toward a younger audience, the plot is based on the Korean historical drama Dae Jang Geum. The story revolves around a girl named Jang Geum who wants to work as a chef in a royal...
8.30 7.13 476Lucy, a 21-year-old woman, discovers she is destined to be the Antichrist, following in her father's footsteps. She meets Jesús, the Messiah, and they begin a romantic relationship after Lucy saves h...
7.90 7.90 120Seven bisque dolls electrified and given intelligence by a gem called Rosa Mystica were made in the 20th century by the renowned doll manufacturer Rozen. Phase 2 Since then, Rozen has dispatched the d...
6.90 7.62 395The protagonist of the program is a mouse with the moniker "Fitz" named Mouse Fitzgerald (voiced by Matt Maiellaro), who enjoys beer and finds himself entangled in a world of espionage, romance, and t...
6.50 354Squidbillies is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. An unofficial pilot for the series aired on April 1, 2005, the series later made i...
7.10 6.80 72Yukari is a typical high school girl who goes to school each day and pays attention to her parents. She comes across a group of fashion design students who have a garment line called "Paradise Kiss" a...
7.70 7.85 450Four friends decide to take part in a bravery test at their neighborhood cemetery during their final summer of elementary school. Haruka Kaminogi tries one last time to free Yuu Gotou from his dominee...
7.50 7.58 381A boy named Kenji and his childhood companion Nanami are the subjects of Lamune's tale. Despite the fact that everyone seems to be aware of their relationship, neither of them is eager to push it any ...
6.50 6.80 433Mao Ran appears to be a typical attractive girl at first, but she is a master of a martial art passed down through the Mao family. She gets fooled by her grandfather one day and made to compete in the...
4.80 6.56 483