Boston, 1930: Professor Alfred Jones and Montana Jones, a relative, search the globe for missing artifacts in order to bring them to museums. Professor Gerrit, Alfred's tutor, assists them by providin...
7.80 6.80 498"Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero" is the third OVA sequel to the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime television series. This series, which aired from 1994 to 1995, continues the saga of the advanced AI-con...
7.40 7.42 532Mobile Fighter G Gundam is set in a different "Future Century" timeframe than previous Gundam series, which are set in the "Universal Century." In this era, most people have left the destroyed Earth a...
7.50 7.56 567A continuation of the events from Final Fantasy V. 200 years after Bartz and his friends saved two worlds from the threat of ExDeath, a threat arises and seeks to take the Crystals for itself. Linaly,...
6.00 6.10 550This season makes a turning point in the Sailor Moon story. The Sailor Senshi are confronted by a new enemy, the Death Busters. Rei had a premonition that this enemy would rule the world in an era cal...
7.60 7.87 578One day in Juban, Tokyo, Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl, discovers Luna, a talking black cat, who offers her a magical brooch that allows her to change into Sailor Moon, a soldier tasked with def...
7.60 7.87 525When Miki Koishikawa's parents unexpectedly reveal that they are divorcing in order to switch partners with a couple they found back in Hawaii, her normal existence as a sophomore in high school is co...
7.10 7.45 539The ever popular children's cartoon book series by author and illustrator Richard Scarry about Busytown, comes to television, following the everyday daily lives of the Busytown citizens, mostly associ...
7.20 6.70 104After his loss to Goku, Broly crash lands and hibernates on earth. After some time, he is awakened by Trunks and Goten, who Broly believes is Kakarott, and goes on a rampage to kill both of them. At t...
6.14 6.76 372Sakuragi and the Shohoku team takes on Oda and Takezono High School. This is Sakuragi's second match as he faces Oda, a basketball player who went to the same junior high. ...
6.78 7.32 277