Kai Nagisa, a typical high school student who aspires to one day compete in professional wrestling, is abruptly contacted by an Iczel robot. She is urged by Iczel to assist in defending Earth from Gea...

7.00 5.67 536

Dual Matrix is the name of the sequel to Armitage III. A departure from conventional animation to computer-assisted methods caused several unpleasant modifications in character designs, such as Armita...

6.90 7.02 514

These "omake" (which means extra or bonus in Japanese) episodes diverge from the action and supernatural drama of the main "Blue Seed" series. Instead, they offer humorous and often absurd situations ...

6.81 518

Romeo is a brave and nice young man who resides with his family in a Swiss town. Romeo unluckily attracts the attention of Luini, often known as "The God of Death," who is notorious for purchasing kid...

8.70 8.33 504

A group of warriors known as the Ninku engaged the Imperial Army in battle and nearly destroyed it. However, the Ninku ultimately fell short and was broken. With the aid of propaganda, the imperial ar...

7.80 7.01 434

Momoko Sakura is an elementary school kid who enjoys manga and the well-known idol Momoe Yamaguchi. Because of her youth and little stature, she is frequently referred to as "Chibi Maruko-chan." She r...

8.00 7.26 623

This animated series features three distinct cartoon scenarios. The first, "Schnookums and Meat!" centers on a dimwitted pair of animals, Schnookums the cat and Meat the dog. The second, "Pith Possum:...

7.10 6.90 126

Convicted criminals are used to create a highly skilled police crime fighting unit. The Wild 7 are initially dispatched to track down a group of bank thieves using their firsthand understanding of the...

6.22 417

Tokiko Mima (also known as "Key"), the protagonist of the novel, thinks she is a robot created by her scientist grandfather Murao Mima. Key thinks Dr. Mima constructs her a new, larger body on her bir...

7.00 6.89 495

A strange snowstorm strikes Tokyo, revealing that an evil snow queen named Kaguya plans to freeze the entire planet. The Inner Sailor Senshi team up with the Outer Senshi to confront the Queen. Meanwh...

7.36 7.69 286

The Bedrock Community Players is mounting A Christmas Carol, and all of the town's citizens are either planning to attend or be involved in the production: Barney Rubble is playing Bob Cragit, with Be...

6.80 356

Yamato 2520, which takes place hundreds of years after the first, details the exploits of the 18th spacecraft to bear the name and its conflict with the Seiren Federation. A group of youthful Earth...

6.90 5.78 469