This show is inspired by the popular movie featuring an average guy who discovers an enchanted mask. When he wears the mask, he transforms into a wildly eccentric superhero, fighting crime and creatin...
7.10 7.10 119After the lion king is killed by hunters, the other jungle animals come together to care for his orphaned cubs, including his favored son, Simba. Simba and his siblings are raised by a wolf and a deer...
7.50 6.50 105Shizuku Tsukishima is an energetic 14-year-old girl who enjoys reading and writing poetry in her free time. Glancing at the checkout cards of her books one evening, she notices that her library books ...
5.65 8.22 346In *Slam Dunk: Final Chapter*, the story revolves around Ichiro Mizusawa, a former player from Rukawa's junior high school, who is diagnosed with a debilitating leg condition. Desperate to play one la...
7.53 7.64 182The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the dragon balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster c...
7.14 7.35 284The beautiful planet of Queen Earth was devastated by the Evil Forces of Dark Joker, and now they are advancing on our planet. With the aid of her childhood companion Seiya and the enigmatic Kanon, 10...
8.00 7.04 493Little Lulu is the first animated stand-up comic, known for her humorous antics. Her best friend Annie is always by her side, while Lulu often finds herself in playful arguments with Tubby and the oth...
6.40 7.90 133Fam and Ihrie are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. So when these debt-driven damsels discover the potential profits to be hand in recovering a particularly dangerous mystical object, it m...
6.30 6.67 450Miyuki stumbles down a rabbit hole after seeing a skateboarding playboy bunny while running to high school. She interacts with several lovely women there before waking up terrified from her fantasy. H...
5.60 5.66 539An interesting aspect of Dr. Katz is the unique animation style known as Squigglevision, where characters and objects have no side-to-side movement, with only features like lips and eyes being animate...
6.80 7.50 122